Steady expression of high oleic acid in peanut bred by marker-assisted backcrossing for fatty acid desaturase mutant alleles and its effect on seed germination along with other seedling traits
Sandip K. Bera aff001; Jignesh H. Kamdar aff001; Swati V. Kasundra aff001; Sahil V. Patel aff001; Mital D. Jasani aff001; A. K. Maurya aff001; P. Dash aff001; Ajay B. Chandrashekar aff001; Kirti Rani aff001; N. Manivannan aff002; Pasupuleti Janila aff003; Manish K. Pandey aff003; R. P. Vasanthi aff004; K. L. Dobariya aff005; T. Radhakrishnan aff001; Rajeev K. Varshney aff003
Působiště autorů:
Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Directorate of Groundnut Research (ICAR-DGR), Junagadh, India
aff001; National Pulses Research Center, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Vamban Colony, Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu, India
aff002; International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Hyderabad, India
aff003; Regional Agricultural Research Station, Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU), Tirupati, India
aff004; Main Oilseeds Research Station, Junagadh Agricultural University (JAU), Junagadh, India
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(12)
Research Article
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important nutrient-rich food legume and valued for its good quality cooking oil. The fatty acid content is the major determinant of the quality of the edible oil. The oils containing higher monounsaturated fatty acid are preferred for improved shelf life and potential health benefits. Therefore, a high oleic/linoleic fatty acid ratio is the target trait in an advanced breeding program. The two mutant alleles, ahFAD2A (on linkage group a09) and ahFAD2B (on linkage group b09) control fatty acid composition for higher oleic/linoleic ratio in peanut. In the present study, marker-assisted backcrossing was employed for the introgression of two FAD2 mutant alleles from SunOleic95R into the chromosome of ICGV06100, a high oil content peanut breeding line. In the marker-assisted backcrossing-introgression lines, a 97% increase in oleic acid, and a 92% reduction in linoleic acid content was observed in comparison to the recurrent parent. Besides, the oleic/linoleic ratio was increased to 25 with respect to the recurrent parent, which was only 1.2. The most significant outcome was the stable expression of oil-content, oleic acid, linoleic acid, and palmitic acid in the marker-assisted backcrossing-introgression lines over the locations. No significant difference was observed between high oleic and normal oleic in peanuts for seedling traits except germination percentage. In addition, marker-assisted backcrossing-introgression lines exhibited higher yield and resistance to foliar fungal diseases, i.e., late leaf spot and rust.
Klíčová slova:
Alleles – Fatty acids – Seed germination – Peanut – Oils – Vegetable oils – Oleic acid – Linoleic acid
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