Consumption of psychoactive substances in prison: Between initiation and improvement, what trajectories occur after incarceration? COSMOS study data
Morgane Rousselet aff001; Marylène Guerlais aff001; Pascal Caillet aff001; Bertrand Le Geay aff004; Damien Mauillon aff005; Patrick Serre aff006; Pierre-Yves Chameau aff007; Yves Bleher aff008; Serge Mounsande aff009; Pascale Jolliet aff001; Caroline Victorri-Vigneau aff001
Působiště autorů:
Centre for Evaluation and Information on Pharmacodependence, Clinical Pharmacology Department, Nantes University Hospital, France
aff001; INSERM U1246 SPHERE “methodS in Patient-centered outcomes and HEalth ResEarch”, Nantes and Tours University, Nantes, France
aff002; Addictology and Psychiatry Department, University Hospital, Nantes, France
aff003; Department of Prison Psychiatry, Nantes University Hospital, France
aff004; Medical department of prison, Angers University Hospital, France
aff005; Medical department of prison, Le Mans HospitalFrance
aff006; Medical department of prison, Laval Hospital, France
aff007; Medical department of prison, La Roche sur Yon Departemental Hospital, Boulevard Stéphane Moreau, France
aff008; Medical department of prison, Fontenay-Le-Comte Hospital, France
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(12)
Research Article
Few studies have examined the consumption trajectories of inmates after entry to prison. The aim of this study was to assess the changes in the consumption of psychoactive substance between the period before detention and during incarceration and to characterize the profiles of prisoners with similar consumption trajectories during incarceration.
Methods and findings
A multicenter, cross-sectional study was performed in all of the prisons from one region of France. All prisoners incarcerated during their 3rd months, over 18 years old, and with a sufficient level of French fluency to participate in the study were recruited over a period of 12 months. A total of 800 prisoners were recruited. All prisoners were interviewed face-to-face by a trained interviewer. A majority of prisoners had used at least one psychoactive substance in the weeks prior to incarceration. During incarceration, a substantial reduction in alcohol and illicit drug consumption was observed. The initiation of consumption and an increase in consumption were primarily related to medications. Five different profiles of consumption before incarceration were identified. These profiles all had a high probability of migrating to a similar profile during detention, characterized by less severe consumption of psychoactive substances.
Based on their consumption profile prior to incarceration, most prisoners would benefit from a specific medical evaluation as soon as possible following entry into detention. Prison could be an opportunity for reduced consumption and/or the initiation of treatment for the majority of prisoners, despite the pejorative development observed for a minority of prisoners during incarceration.
Klíčová slova:
Alcohol consumption – Prisons – Prisoners – Recreational drug use – Cannabis – Questionnaires – Cocaine – Heroin
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