Signature Gene Expression Reveals Novel Clues to the Molecular Mechanisms of Dimorphic Transition in

Penicillium marneffei is a significant dimorphic fungal pathogen capable of causing lethal systemic infections. It grows in a yeast-like form at mammalian body temperature and a mold-like form at ambient temperature. The thermal dimorphism of P. marneffei is closely related to its virulence. In the present study, we re-sequenced the genome of P. marneffei using Illumina and PacBio sequencing technologies, and simultaneously assembled these newly sequenced reads in different lengths with previously obtained Sanger sequences. This hybrid assembly greatly improved the quality of the genome sequences. Next, we used RNA-seq to measure the global gene expression of P. marneffei at different phases and during dimorphic phase transitions. We found that 27% of genes showed signature expression patterns, suggesting that these genes function at different stages in the life cycle of P. marneffei. Moreover, genes with same expression patterns tend to be clustered together as neighbors to each other in the genome, suggesting an orchestrated transcriptional regulation for multiple neighboring genes. Over-expression of the MADS-box transcription factor, madsA, located in one of these clusters, confirms the function of this gene in driving the yeast-to-mycelia phase transition irrespective of the temperature cues. Our data also implies diverse roles of secreted proteins and non-coding RNAs in dimorphic transition in P. marneffei.

Vyšlo v časopise: Signature Gene Expression Reveals Novel Clues to the Molecular Mechanisms of Dimorphic Transition in. PLoS Genet 10(10): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004662
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004662


Penicillium marneffei is a significant dimorphic fungal pathogen capable of causing lethal systemic infections. It grows in a yeast-like form at mammalian body temperature and a mold-like form at ambient temperature. The thermal dimorphism of P. marneffei is closely related to its virulence. In the present study, we re-sequenced the genome of P. marneffei using Illumina and PacBio sequencing technologies, and simultaneously assembled these newly sequenced reads in different lengths with previously obtained Sanger sequences. This hybrid assembly greatly improved the quality of the genome sequences. Next, we used RNA-seq to measure the global gene expression of P. marneffei at different phases and during dimorphic phase transitions. We found that 27% of genes showed signature expression patterns, suggesting that these genes function at different stages in the life cycle of P. marneffei. Moreover, genes with same expression patterns tend to be clustered together as neighbors to each other in the genome, suggesting an orchestrated transcriptional regulation for multiple neighboring genes. Over-expression of the MADS-box transcription factor, madsA, located in one of these clusters, confirms the function of this gene in driving the yeast-to-mycelia phase transition irrespective of the temperature cues. Our data also implies diverse roles of secreted proteins and non-coding RNAs in dimorphic transition in P. marneffei.


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