mRNA Structural Constraints on EBNA1 Synthesis Impact on Antigen Presentation and Early Priming of CD8 T Cells

Maintenance proteins of viruses establishing latent infections regulate their synthesis to levels sufficient for maintaining persistent infection but below threshold levels for host immune detection. The Epstein-Barr virus maintenance protein, EBNA1, has recently been shown to contain unusual G-quadruplex structures within its repeat mRNA that reduces its translational efficiency. In this study we assess how modification of the EBNA1 mRNA repeat sequence to destabilize the native G-quadruplex structures and thereby increase translation, impacts on the activation of EBNA1-specific T cells in vivo. Mice primed with viral vectors encoding a more efficiently translated EBNA1 mRNA revealed increased trafficking of EBNA1-specific T cells, an enhanced functional profile and increased expression of transcription factors providing evidence for a potential link between mRNA translational efficiency and antigen presentation in vivo and the resultant impact on the functional programming of effector T cells. These findings suggest a novel approach to therapeutic development through the use of antisense strategies or small molecules targeting EBNA1 mRNA structure.

Vyšlo v časopise: mRNA Structural Constraints on EBNA1 Synthesis Impact on Antigen Presentation and Early Priming of CD8 T Cells. PLoS Pathog 10(10): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004423
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004423


Maintenance proteins of viruses establishing latent infections regulate their synthesis to levels sufficient for maintaining persistent infection but below threshold levels for host immune detection. The Epstein-Barr virus maintenance protein, EBNA1, has recently been shown to contain unusual G-quadruplex structures within its repeat mRNA that reduces its translational efficiency. In this study we assess how modification of the EBNA1 mRNA repeat sequence to destabilize the native G-quadruplex structures and thereby increase translation, impacts on the activation of EBNA1-specific T cells in vivo. Mice primed with viral vectors encoding a more efficiently translated EBNA1 mRNA revealed increased trafficking of EBNA1-specific T cells, an enhanced functional profile and increased expression of transcription factors providing evidence for a potential link between mRNA translational efficiency and antigen presentation in vivo and the resultant impact on the functional programming of effector T cells. These findings suggest a novel approach to therapeutic development through the use of antisense strategies or small molecules targeting EBNA1 mRNA structure.


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