"Missing" G x E Variation Controls Flowering Time in
Many traits are influenced by genetic variation in interaction with the environment, so called G x E variation. In agriculture, for example, different varieties are optimal in different environments. In evolution, G x E is also crucial for local adaptation. Identifying the genes underlying G x E has proven extremely challenging, however. Using a collection of inbred lines of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, we meausured flowering time under two temperature regimes, and scanned the genome for polymorphisms responsible for variation in this trait. Although most of the variation is due to G x E, genome-wide scans using SNPs only revealed direct genetic effects (G), and failed to reveal any significant G x E associations. In contrast, scanning the genome using local windows of polymorphism suggested that almost all the observed variation can be explained by 2% of the genome. Previously identified flowering time genes are strongly overrepresented in these regions, and our results are compatible with a model under which G x E is mainly due to many alleles at a relatively small number of loci.
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"Missing" G x E Variation Controls Flowering Time in. PLoS Genet 11(10): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005597
Research Article
Many traits are influenced by genetic variation in interaction with the environment, so called G x E variation. In agriculture, for example, different varieties are optimal in different environments. In evolution, G x E is also crucial for local adaptation. Identifying the genes underlying G x E has proven extremely challenging, however. Using a collection of inbred lines of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, we meausured flowering time under two temperature regimes, and scanned the genome for polymorphisms responsible for variation in this trait. Although most of the variation is due to G x E, genome-wide scans using SNPs only revealed direct genetic effects (G), and failed to reveal any significant G x E associations. In contrast, scanning the genome using local windows of polymorphism suggested that almost all the observed variation can be explained by 2% of the genome. Previously identified flowering time genes are strongly overrepresented in these regions, and our results are compatible with a model under which G x E is mainly due to many alleles at a relatively small number of loci.
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