Genetic Analysis of Circadian Responses to Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields in

Low frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are associated with electrical power lines and have been implicated in the development of childhood leukemias. However, the Earth also has a natural EMF that animals can detect and which they use in order to navigate and orient themselves, particularly during migrations. One way they might do this is by using specialised photoreceptors called cryptochromes, which when activated by light, generate changes within the molecule that are susceptible to EMFs. Cryptochromes are important components of animal circadian clocks, the 24 hour timers that determine daily behavioral and physiological cycles. We have studied the circadian behavior of the fruitfly and have observed some novel and robust effects of EMFs on the fly's sleep-wake cycle that are mediated by cryptochrome. By using cryptochrome mutants we find that our results do not support the classic model for how this molecule might respond to EMFs. We also show that mammalian cryptochromes can respond to EMF when placed into transgenic Drosophila, whereas in mammalian clock neurons, they cannot. Consequently, the EMF responsiveness of cryptochrome is determined by its intracellular environment, suggesting that other, unknown molecules that interact with cryptochrome are also very important.

Vyšlo v časopise: Genetic Analysis of Circadian Responses to Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields in. PLoS Genet 10(12): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004804
Kategorie: Research Article


Low frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are associated with electrical power lines and have been implicated in the development of childhood leukemias. However, the Earth also has a natural EMF that animals can detect and which they use in order to navigate and orient themselves, particularly during migrations. One way they might do this is by using specialised photoreceptors called cryptochromes, which when activated by light, generate changes within the molecule that are susceptible to EMFs. Cryptochromes are important components of animal circadian clocks, the 24 hour timers that determine daily behavioral and physiological cycles. We have studied the circadian behavior of the fruitfly and have observed some novel and robust effects of EMFs on the fly's sleep-wake cycle that are mediated by cryptochrome. By using cryptochrome mutants we find that our results do not support the classic model for how this molecule might respond to EMFs. We also show that mammalian cryptochromes can respond to EMF when placed into transgenic Drosophila, whereas in mammalian clock neurons, they cannot. Consequently, the EMF responsiveness of cryptochrome is determined by its intracellular environment, suggesting that other, unknown molecules that interact with cryptochrome are also very important.


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