Complement-Opsonized HIV-1 Overcomes Restriction in Dendritic Cells
We here give insight into a substantial novel way of dendritic cell modulation at least during acute HIV-1 infection by triggering integrin receptor signaling. We found that complement-opsonization of the virus is able to relieve SAMHD1 restriction in DCs, thereby initiating strong maturation and co-stimulatory capacity of the cells and stimulating efficient cellular and humoral antiviral immune responses. This newly described way of DC modulation by complement might be exploited to find novel therapeutic targets promoting DC immune functions against HIV.
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Complement-Opsonized HIV-1 Overcomes Restriction in Dendritic Cells. PLoS Pathog 11(6): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1005005
Research Article
We here give insight into a substantial novel way of dendritic cell modulation at least during acute HIV-1 infection by triggering integrin receptor signaling. We found that complement-opsonization of the virus is able to relieve SAMHD1 restriction in DCs, thereby initiating strong maturation and co-stimulatory capacity of the cells and stimulating efficient cellular and humoral antiviral immune responses. This newly described way of DC modulation by complement might be exploited to find novel therapeutic targets promoting DC immune functions against HIV.
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