Intraspecies Competition for Niches in the Distal Gut Dictate Transmission during Persistent Infection

Salmonella enterica serovars infect various mammalian hosts, causing disease ranging from self-limiting diarrhea to persistent systemic infections such as typhoid fever. Here we investigated the impact of an established intestinal S. Typhimurium population on fecal shedding in the presence of another challenging strain. This scenario arises during host-to-host transmission, as well as during chronic host-adapted infections when systemic Salmonella reseed the intestinal tract to be transmitted in feces. In a mouse model of persistent Salmonella infection, we found that distinct subpopulations formed in intestinal and systemic tissues. Expansion of the intestinal subpopulation was responsible for increases in fecal shedding, rather than increased secretion of systemic Salmonella. Furthermore, the Salmonella that initially colonized the gut excluded challengers from the cecum, colon, and feces. A challenging systemic strain could only be shed upon ablation of the established intestinal strain. This intraspecies colonization resistance requires Salmonella hydrogenase-mediated invasion of the distal gut and is maintained by the virulence effectors SPI1 and SPI2. We describe novel observations indicating that Salmonella virulence effectors that have been shown to subvert the host immune response and microbiota, also play a role in intraspecies competition for colonization of transmission niches.

Vyšlo v časopise: Intraspecies Competition for Niches in the Distal Gut Dictate Transmission during Persistent Infection. PLoS Pathog 10(12): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004527
Kategorie: Research Article


Salmonella enterica serovars infect various mammalian hosts, causing disease ranging from self-limiting diarrhea to persistent systemic infections such as typhoid fever. Here we investigated the impact of an established intestinal S. Typhimurium population on fecal shedding in the presence of another challenging strain. This scenario arises during host-to-host transmission, as well as during chronic host-adapted infections when systemic Salmonella reseed the intestinal tract to be transmitted in feces. In a mouse model of persistent Salmonella infection, we found that distinct subpopulations formed in intestinal and systemic tissues. Expansion of the intestinal subpopulation was responsible for increases in fecal shedding, rather than increased secretion of systemic Salmonella. Furthermore, the Salmonella that initially colonized the gut excluded challengers from the cecum, colon, and feces. A challenging systemic strain could only be shed upon ablation of the established intestinal strain. This intraspecies colonization resistance requires Salmonella hydrogenase-mediated invasion of the distal gut and is maintained by the virulence effectors SPI1 and SPI2. We describe novel observations indicating that Salmonella virulence effectors that have been shown to subvert the host immune response and microbiota, also play a role in intraspecies competition for colonization of transmission niches.


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