The Chromatin Remodeler CHD8 Is Required for Activation of Progesterone Receptor-Dependent Enhancers

A lot of research has been devoted during the last decades to understand the mechanisms that control gene promoters activity, however, much less is known about enhancers. Only recently, the use of genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation techniques has revealed the existence of more than 400,000 enhancers in the human genome. We are starting to understand the importance of these regulatory elements and how they are activated or repressed. In this work we discover that the chromatin remodeler CHD8 is recruited to Progesteron Receptor-dependent enhancers upon hormone treatment. CHD8 is required for late steps in the activation of these enhancers, including transcription of the enhancers and synthesis of eRNA (long noncoding RNAs derived form the enhancers).

Vyšlo v časopise: The Chromatin Remodeler CHD8 Is Required for Activation of Progesterone Receptor-Dependent Enhancers. PLoS Genet 11(4): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005174
Kategorie: Research Article


A lot of research has been devoted during the last decades to understand the mechanisms that control gene promoters activity, however, much less is known about enhancers. Only recently, the use of genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation techniques has revealed the existence of more than 400,000 enhancers in the human genome. We are starting to understand the importance of these regulatory elements and how they are activated or repressed. In this work we discover that the chromatin remodeler CHD8 is recruited to Progesteron Receptor-dependent enhancers upon hormone treatment. CHD8 is required for late steps in the activation of these enhancers, including transcription of the enhancers and synthesis of eRNA (long noncoding RNAs derived form the enhancers).


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