Positive Selection and Multiple Losses of the LINE-1-Derived Gene in Mammals Suggest a Dual Role in Genome Defense and Pluripotency

Transposable elements comprise major portions of most animal genomes and are selfish genetic elements that may encode proteins needed for their own spread to new genomic locations. Though often considered genomic parasites, these elements also occasionally create novel genes that prove beneficial to the host, a process called 'domestication'. Here, we describe the evolution of a gene, L1TD1, which is derived from the protein-coding regions of the L1 mobile element family. We show that L1TD1 was born in the common ancestor of placental mammals. L1TD1 expression in stem cells and its requirement to maintain the pluripotent state of human embryonic stem cells suggested it might have been originally domesticated for such a pluripotency role. We find that L1TD1's evolution does not fit with the predictions of this model; in fact, L1TD1 has rapidly evolved in primates and mice and has been lost several times in mammals. We suggest an alternate model that L1TD1 was born as a means to defend genomes against transposable elements, perhaps L1 itself. We propose that following this initial domestication, L1TD1 later became incorporated into pluripotency programs in some mammalian lineages.

Vyšlo v časopise: Positive Selection and Multiple Losses of the LINE-1-Derived Gene in Mammals Suggest a Dual Role in Genome Defense and Pluripotency. PLoS Genet 10(9): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004531
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004531


Transposable elements comprise major portions of most animal genomes and are selfish genetic elements that may encode proteins needed for their own spread to new genomic locations. Though often considered genomic parasites, these elements also occasionally create novel genes that prove beneficial to the host, a process called 'domestication'. Here, we describe the evolution of a gene, L1TD1, which is derived from the protein-coding regions of the L1 mobile element family. We show that L1TD1 was born in the common ancestor of placental mammals. L1TD1 expression in stem cells and its requirement to maintain the pluripotent state of human embryonic stem cells suggested it might have been originally domesticated for such a pluripotency role. We find that L1TD1's evolution does not fit with the predictions of this model; in fact, L1TD1 has rapidly evolved in primates and mice and has been lost several times in mammals. We suggest an alternate model that L1TD1 was born as a means to defend genomes against transposable elements, perhaps L1 itself. We propose that following this initial domestication, L1TD1 later became incorporated into pluripotency programs in some mammalian lineages.


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