Genome Wide Association Studies Using a New Nonparametric Model Reveal the Genetic Architecture of 17 Agronomic Traits in an Enlarged Maize Association Panel

Genotype imputation has been used widely in the analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to boost power and fine-map associations. We developed a two-step data imputation method to meet the challenge of large proportion missing genotypes. GWAS have uncovered an extensive genetic architecture of complex quantitative traits using high-density SNP markers in maize in the past few years. Here, GWAS were carried out for 17 agronomic traits with a panel of 513 inbred lines applying both mixed linear model and a new method, the Anderson-Darling (A-D) test. We intend to show that the A-D test is a complement to current GWAS methods, especially for complex quantitative traits controlled by moderate effect loci or rare variations and with abnormal phenotype distribution. In addition, the traits associated QTL identified here provide a rich resource for maize genetics and breeding.

Vyšlo v časopise: Genome Wide Association Studies Using a New Nonparametric Model Reveal the Genetic Architecture of 17 Agronomic Traits in an Enlarged Maize Association Panel. PLoS Genet 10(9): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004573
Kategorie: Research Article


Genotype imputation has been used widely in the analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to boost power and fine-map associations. We developed a two-step data imputation method to meet the challenge of large proportion missing genotypes. GWAS have uncovered an extensive genetic architecture of complex quantitative traits using high-density SNP markers in maize in the past few years. Here, GWAS were carried out for 17 agronomic traits with a panel of 513 inbred lines applying both mixed linear model and a new method, the Anderson-Darling (A-D) test. We intend to show that the A-D test is a complement to current GWAS methods, especially for complex quantitative traits controlled by moderate effect loci or rare variations and with abnormal phenotype distribution. In addition, the traits associated QTL identified here provide a rich resource for maize genetics and breeding.


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