GAPDH-A Recruits a Plant Virus Movement Protein to Cortical Virus Replication Complexes to Facilitate Viral Cell-to-Cell Movement

Intercellular movement of plant viruses is the crucial step during systemic viral infections. Red clover necrotic mosaic virus (RCNMV), a bipartite positive-strand RNA plant virus, forms movement protein (MP)-containing punctate structures on the cortical endoplasmic reticulum in infected cells, which are required for efficient intercellular movement of the virus. We provide evidence that these cortical punctate structures constitute the viral replication complex (VRC), which forms during the early stage of virus infection. Furthermore, we show that a host protein of Nicotiana benthamiana, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase-A (NbGAPDH-A), possibly intercalates between the cortical VRC and MP. Knockdown of NbGAPDH-A diffused subcellular localization of MP and reduced intercellular movement of the virus. Chloroplastic NbGAPDH-A relocalized to the cortical VRC after infection with the virus. Our results suggest that the cortical VRC serves not only as the replication factory of viral RNA but also as a transportation hub, which transports viral RNA to neighboring uninfected cells via plasmodesmata.

Vyšlo v časopise: GAPDH-A Recruits a Plant Virus Movement Protein to Cortical Virus Replication Complexes to Facilitate Viral Cell-to-Cell Movement. PLoS Pathog 10(11): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004505
Kategorie: Research Article


Intercellular movement of plant viruses is the crucial step during systemic viral infections. Red clover necrotic mosaic virus (RCNMV), a bipartite positive-strand RNA plant virus, forms movement protein (MP)-containing punctate structures on the cortical endoplasmic reticulum in infected cells, which are required for efficient intercellular movement of the virus. We provide evidence that these cortical punctate structures constitute the viral replication complex (VRC), which forms during the early stage of virus infection. Furthermore, we show that a host protein of Nicotiana benthamiana, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase-A (NbGAPDH-A), possibly intercalates between the cortical VRC and MP. Knockdown of NbGAPDH-A diffused subcellular localization of MP and reduced intercellular movement of the virus. Chloroplastic NbGAPDH-A relocalized to the cortical VRC after infection with the virus. Our results suggest that the cortical VRC serves not only as the replication factory of viral RNA but also as a transportation hub, which transports viral RNA to neighboring uninfected cells via plasmodesmata.


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