The RCC1 Family Protein TCF1 Regulates Freezing Tolerance and Cold Acclimation through Modulating Lignin Biosynthesis

Cold acclimation is a well-known adaptive process through which plants can dramatically increase their tolerance to freezing temperature. Modifications of cell wall have been recognized as a key characteristic during plant acclimation to low temperature. However, the molecular mechanism responsible for such cellular adaptation still remains a mystery. Here, we report an unexpected regulatory role of TCF1 on lignin content during cold acclimation in Arabidopsis. TCF1 is specifically induced by cold and is required for chromatin based gene regulation of cold responsive genes such as BCB (a GAP) that regulates lignin genes. Further evidence shows that reduction in lignin dramatically increases plant freezing tolerance, while lignin maintenance required for cold acclimation is regulated by TCF-mediated signaling. Thus, our study has revealed, for the first time, lignin remodeling as a key function of cold acclimation and freezing tolerance. The findings provide the first direct molecular evidence that freezing tolerance is directly related to cell wall properties during cold acclimation and extra/intercellular freezing upon and freezing/thawing process.

Vyšlo v časopise: The RCC1 Family Protein TCF1 Regulates Freezing Tolerance and Cold Acclimation through Modulating Lignin Biosynthesis. PLoS Genet 11(9): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005471
Kategorie: Research Article


Cold acclimation is a well-known adaptive process through which plants can dramatically increase their tolerance to freezing temperature. Modifications of cell wall have been recognized as a key characteristic during plant acclimation to low temperature. However, the molecular mechanism responsible for such cellular adaptation still remains a mystery. Here, we report an unexpected regulatory role of TCF1 on lignin content during cold acclimation in Arabidopsis. TCF1 is specifically induced by cold and is required for chromatin based gene regulation of cold responsive genes such as BCB (a GAP) that regulates lignin genes. Further evidence shows that reduction in lignin dramatically increases plant freezing tolerance, while lignin maintenance required for cold acclimation is regulated by TCF-mediated signaling. Thus, our study has revealed, for the first time, lignin remodeling as a key function of cold acclimation and freezing tolerance. The findings provide the first direct molecular evidence that freezing tolerance is directly related to cell wall properties during cold acclimation and extra/intercellular freezing upon and freezing/thawing process.


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