Arabidopsis AtPLC2 Is a Primary Phosphoinositide-Specific Phospholipase C in Phosphoinositide Metabolism and the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response
Plant growth requires continuous signal transduction in response to ever-changing environment. Phosphoinositides represent primary lipid-derived signals that are involved in various plant responses to surrounding environment. However, enzymes that determine the complex phosphoinositide molecular profiles remained elusive due to the existence of a number of candidate genes for each step. Here, in Arabidopsis thaliana, we found AtPLC2 as the enzyme that is decisive in phosphoinositide metabolism by analytical lipidomics of the gene knockout study. Functional characterization of AtPLC2 knockout plant enabled us to find two novel roles of phosphoinositides: requirement in seedling growth and ER stress tolerance. Because economically important environmental stresses such as salinity and temperature upshift cause ER stress, our findings may open up a new avenue in addressing ER stress responses via phosphoinositide signaling.
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Arabidopsis AtPLC2 Is a Primary Phosphoinositide-Specific Phospholipase C in Phosphoinositide Metabolism and the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response. PLoS Genet 11(9): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005511
Research Article
Plant growth requires continuous signal transduction in response to ever-changing environment. Phosphoinositides represent primary lipid-derived signals that are involved in various plant responses to surrounding environment. However, enzymes that determine the complex phosphoinositide molecular profiles remained elusive due to the existence of a number of candidate genes for each step. Here, in Arabidopsis thaliana, we found AtPLC2 as the enzyme that is decisive in phosphoinositide metabolism by analytical lipidomics of the gene knockout study. Functional characterization of AtPLC2 knockout plant enabled us to find two novel roles of phosphoinositides: requirement in seedling growth and ER stress tolerance. Because economically important environmental stresses such as salinity and temperature upshift cause ER stress, our findings may open up a new avenue in addressing ER stress responses via phosphoinositide signaling.
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