Role of Permissive Neuraminidase Mutations in Influenza A/Brisbane/59/2007-like (H1N1) Viruses

Neuraminidase (NA) mutations conferring resistance to NA inhibitors were believed to compromise influenza virus fitness. Unexpectedly, an oseltamivir-resistant A/Brisbane/59/2007 (Bris07)-like H1N1 H275Y NA variant emerged in 2007 and completely replaced the wild-type (WT) strain in 2008–2009. The NA of such variant contained additional NA changes (R222Q, V234M and D344N) that potentially counteracted the detrimental effect of the H275Y mutation on viral fitness. Here, we rescued a recombinant Bris07-like WT virus and 4 NA mutants/revertants (H275Y, H275Y/Q222R, H275Y/M234V and H275Y/N344D) and characterized them in vitro and in ferrets. A fluorometric-based NA assay was used to determine Vmax and Km values. Replicative capacities were evaluated by yield assays in ST6Gal1-MDCK cells. Recombinant NA proteins were expressed in 293T cells and surface NA activity was determined. Infectivity and contact transmission experiments were evaluated for the WT, H275Y and H275Y/Q222R recombinants in ferrets. The H275Y mutation did not significantly alter Km and Vmax values compared to WT. The H275Y/N344D mutant had a reduced affinity (Km of 50 vs 12 µM) whereas the H275Y/M234V mutant had a reduced activity (22 vs 28 U/sec). In contrast, the H275Y/Q222R mutant showed a significant decrease of both affinity (40 µM) and activity (7 U/sec). The WT, H275Y, H275Y/M234V and H275Y/N344D recombinants had comparable replicative capacities contrasting with H275Y/Q222R mutant whose viral titers were significantly reduced. All studied mutations reduced the cell surface NA activity compared to WT with the maximum reduction being obtained for the H275Y/Q222R mutant. Comparable infectivity and transmissibility were seen between the WT and the H275Y mutant in ferrets whereas the H275Y/Q222R mutant was associated with significantly lower lung viral titers. In conclusion, the Q222R reversion mutation compromised Bris07-like H1N1 virus in vitro and in vivo. Thus, the R222Q NA mutation present in the WT virus may have facilitated the emergence of NAI-resistant Bris07 variants.

Vyšlo v časopise: Role of Permissive Neuraminidase Mutations in Influenza A/Brisbane/59/2007-like (H1N1) Viruses. PLoS Pathog 7(12): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002431
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1002431


Neuraminidase (NA) mutations conferring resistance to NA inhibitors were believed to compromise influenza virus fitness. Unexpectedly, an oseltamivir-resistant A/Brisbane/59/2007 (Bris07)-like H1N1 H275Y NA variant emerged in 2007 and completely replaced the wild-type (WT) strain in 2008–2009. The NA of such variant contained additional NA changes (R222Q, V234M and D344N) that potentially counteracted the detrimental effect of the H275Y mutation on viral fitness. Here, we rescued a recombinant Bris07-like WT virus and 4 NA mutants/revertants (H275Y, H275Y/Q222R, H275Y/M234V and H275Y/N344D) and characterized them in vitro and in ferrets. A fluorometric-based NA assay was used to determine Vmax and Km values. Replicative capacities were evaluated by yield assays in ST6Gal1-MDCK cells. Recombinant NA proteins were expressed in 293T cells and surface NA activity was determined. Infectivity and contact transmission experiments were evaluated for the WT, H275Y and H275Y/Q222R recombinants in ferrets. The H275Y mutation did not significantly alter Km and Vmax values compared to WT. The H275Y/N344D mutant had a reduced affinity (Km of 50 vs 12 µM) whereas the H275Y/M234V mutant had a reduced activity (22 vs 28 U/sec). In contrast, the H275Y/Q222R mutant showed a significant decrease of both affinity (40 µM) and activity (7 U/sec). The WT, H275Y, H275Y/M234V and H275Y/N344D recombinants had comparable replicative capacities contrasting with H275Y/Q222R mutant whose viral titers were significantly reduced. All studied mutations reduced the cell surface NA activity compared to WT with the maximum reduction being obtained for the H275Y/Q222R mutant. Comparable infectivity and transmissibility were seen between the WT and the H275Y mutant in ferrets whereas the H275Y/Q222R mutant was associated with significantly lower lung viral titers. In conclusion, the Q222R reversion mutation compromised Bris07-like H1N1 virus in vitro and in vivo. Thus, the R222Q NA mutation present in the WT virus may have facilitated the emergence of NAI-resistant Bris07 variants.


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