Mosquito-Disseminated Insecticide for Citywide Vector Control and Its Potential to Block Arbovirus Epidemics: Entomological Observations and Modeling Results from Amazonian Brazil
Fernando Abad-Franch and colleagues report entomological observations before and after citywide mosquito control in Amazonian Brazil, and model the estimated impact on transmission of mosquito-borne viruses.
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Mosquito-Disseminated Insecticide for Citywide Vector Control and Its Potential to Block Arbovirus Epidemics: Entomological Observations and Modeling Results from Amazonian Brazil. PLoS Med 14(1): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002213
Research Article
Fernando Abad-Franch and colleagues report entomological observations before and after citywide mosquito control in Amazonian Brazil, and model the estimated impact on transmission of mosquito-borne viruses.
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